Larry Moffitt calls Hyung Jin Moon a “boy king”. Who is the boy?
Hyung Jin taught a marriage workshop you can watch on YouTube in April, 2015. He brilliantly taught the biblical model of the traditional marriage and family values in Ephesians 5 and he used the wonderful book by the Christian author Emerson Eggerichs who wrote Love & Respect. Emerson’s book focuses on one line in Ephesians 5 that is crucial in understanding what a godly man is like. Hyung Jin boldly proclaimed that if a wife does not respect her husband as head of their home as taught in Ephesians 5 and in the many statements of Sun Myung Moon supporting that core value then she is not god centered. And a man who fails to consciously be the king of his castle is not a “real man.” Hyung Jin is a real man. Like his father, he is a man’s man—a magnificent role model for all men.
Because the Familyfed is a dying organization of weak men and disorderly women they can’t see that God has given a Second King who has the total support of his wife. She has even pledged to support her son when he becomes the Third King. For the feminists at FFWPU this is extremely offensive. Why? Because they are for matriarchy. They hate everything masculine. Larry’s cutesy comment is projection of his lack of masculinity — his rebelliousness at not being a strong king of his family.
At what age does a boy change to be a man? Hyung Jin is in his thirties. He has a 17-year-old daughter. He is a graduate of Harvard and was the International President of the Family Federation in his twenties. He gives sermons week after week that show him, in my view, to be far wiser than anything Larry Moffitt has ever written. Who is studying Larry Moffitt? I’m not. I am studying Hyung Jin Moon and I am in awe of Hyung Jin Moon’s intellect. He is a world class genius. Next to Father I have never met or read anyone with as much intellectual power at Hyung Jin and Kook Jin. They did not write “a” Constitution for the World; they wrote “the” Constitution for the world. I cried when Hyung Jin read it. We are all saved. It is now just a matter of time until the world will be united under the wisdom of Hyung Jin and Kook Jin. Compared the brilliance of Hyung Jin and Kook Jin, Larry is third-rate.
Who knows Father better? Hyung Jin or Larry Moffitt? Who knows the King of Kings better? Hyung Jin who wore a crown given to him by the King of Kings or Andrew Wilson? On video Father says there is no one greater in faith than Hyung Jin. Hyung Jin is greater in every way than Larry Moffitt and Andrew Wilson. Their arrogance will go down in history as the greatest failure of any followers of the Messiah. For Larry to call Hak Ja Han a co-messiah is the epitome of stupidity. It is the ultimate betrayal of Christ. There is only one Lord of the Second Advent who comes with truth to save us from Satan’s lies. He anointed his successor, the Second King. Thank God the wife of the Second King teaches that she is the assistant coach and her husband is the head coach. To Larry and Andrew this is from the outdated, backward sexist Bible. The lack of respect for the Bible is a core value of FamilyFed. To them Ephesians 5 is the height of evil. They have the nonsensical worldview that because Hak Ja Han lived with Sun Myung Moon for 52 years and that she apparently was born brilliant, that she is an intellectual equal to the Lord of Second Advent who has huge books of quotations that will save the world. That is about as logical as saying that because Einstein’s wife lived with him at Princeton for many years she is equal to her husband in math and physics.
Some of the Founding Fathers of America were in their thirties. Thomas Jefferson was 33 years old when he wrote the Declaration of Independence. James Madison is generally regarded as the father of the United States Constitution. He helped write the Virginia Constitution in his 20s. At the Constitutional Convention in 1787 in Pennsylvania most of the 55 men were in their 40s or younger. Four were in their twenties and 14 were in their thirties. James Madison was 36 years old. Alexander Hamilton was 30 years old. Madison and Hamilton wrote the classic Federalist Papers then. Again in Pennsylvania in 2015 we are given a Constitution for the ideal world by a man in his thirties.
How old was Messiah when he proclaimed the future ideal world in a shack made of cardboard boxes in Pusan, Korea in 1951? 31 years old. How old was the Lord of the Second Advent when he founded the Unification Movement in 1954? 34 years old. Was he the “boy Messiah”--the boy King of Kings? Larry Moffitt is ignorant like everyone at his defunct Family Federation that has absolutely no understanding of what a real man looks like in a family. Larry refuses to obey God’s words in Ephesians 5. He refuses to obey the following words of Father:
“In this world man stands in the position of king. King is subject. Woman is not subject, no matter how proud a position she possesses the object cannot control the subject. American women, be careful. Women need to follow behind their husbands. I can feel that American women don’t feel so good about that idea. No matter how you may feel, you have to take the opposite way from now on. America needs Divine Principle. This is not Father’s viewpoint. This is the divine perspective. You have to know that clearly. Women have wide hips like a cushion whereas men have narrow hips and wide shoulders. So you see they complement one another; woman is wide at the hips and man is wide at the shoulders. Combined into one they make a square box, a secure foundation.” (4-18-96)
When someone calls, "Please send out the representative of your household," who comes out, the woman, the man, or both? It is the American concept to answer "both." If the answer is both, then when you count their shadows, how many are there? But if one person is the representative and he stands in a vertical way, then he and his shadow are one. There is no shadow when the sun is directly overhead and the person is standing straight up. Then it is vertical, unified and equalized.
You must establish yourself as the king of your own family. Your family is not supposed to be a democracy. (April 7, 1991)
I have no ill will toward Larry. I have a profound sense of pity for this confused and lost boy.
(FB post by Lourdes Swarts)
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