Friday, November 6, 2015

Please call on Dr. Balcomb

Please call on Dr. Balcomb and other American leaders and ask why they are not translating this major speech of 10/24 by the Han Mother. Here is part of the speech, thanks to Andy L.

예수님 돌아가시기 전 기원전 400년에서 800년 사이에 동이 민족, 동이 민족이라고 알아요? 동이 민족은 중국 하곤 좀 다르죠. 동이 민족 통한 한씨 왕국이 있었어요. 찬란한 왕국이 있었어요. 그게 시경에 나오게 되는데, '그 왕조가 위만에게 망해서 바다를 건너왔다. 그것이 한반도와 일본으로 번져 내려왔다.' 하는 얘기에요. 이 말이 중요한 게 아니고.......그런 점에서 결론적으로 말한다면 한반도는 재림메시아 독생녀 탄생시킨 나라이기 때문에 모든 종교는 근본 되시는 하늘부모님을 부모님으로 모시는 자리에 나가야 돼요.

Before Jesus died, from 400BC to 800, the Dong-i peoples, do you know this Dong-i people (race)? This Dong-i people were a bit different from the Chinese. Through the Dong-i people, the Han kingdom came into being. It was a most glorious kingdom. This is talked about in the "Book of Songs" (Note: "the Classic of Poetry"), where it says "that kingdom was destroyed by the Wi-man Choson dynasty and fled overseas. It spread out into the Korean peninsula and to Japan." But this isn't what is important...... From that view, the conclusion is, because the Korean peninsula is the nation to give birth to the returning Messiah, (who is) the only begotten daughter, all religions have to go to the position of attending Heavenly Parent(s) as their own parent(s).

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