Monday, December 21, 2015

Father's Final Revelation

What was the new revelation Father gave our members before his departure? He asked all members to study carefully the OSDP content.
Father declared he came from the Seed of God and the God of night. God came and dwelled among us and left behind his SEED.
This is the Theology of the "Sperm" or the "Seed". This is an incredible important revelation from Father.
Mother is advocating the theology of the "Womb." That she was born without sin and was not educated by Father. This was documented here over and over again.
Why Mother is wrong? Mother does not have a seed. She is a mother, a women, the bride of the Messiah. Mother came from a fallen lineage. She was educated by Father to stand as the Mother of all humankind but at the very top of the growth stage, she deviated from that path. The only thing left for her to do was to uplift the very lineage of God and crown his son as the Second King of CIG. .
In another words, we are not building a "Queengdom" but the "Kingdom of God."
HJN is now revealing this content to us. He was the one Father chose to train and educate so the living word of God continues on. KJN is also revealing profound insights into this content.
In my recent HDK studies God revealed His heart to me. God said, "I can easily exchange all humanity for my two sons: Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim." That is because they carry on the seed of God on this earth.
God has finally achieved what he was unable to do due to the Fall of Adam and Eve. Let's rejoice brothers and sisters!

Calling all Brides of Christ

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
At this time, when the entire providence has been thrown into chaos because of the rebellion of the woman who was blessed to be chosen to be the wife of the Messiah, it is more important than ever for all sisters to express the love they have for their "bridegroom."
For that reason, we will be working on a "Brides of Christ" video which will include:

1) interviews with sisters who have had dreams, visions or other experiences with True Father as his "bride,"
2) sisters submitting 15 second - 60 second videos of themselves saying how they are proud to be a "bride of Christ," and if they wish, what that means to them.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me.
God bless!
Richard A. Panzer
President, Sanctuary Church - USA
Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President
World Peace & Unification Sanctuary- USA

Monday, December 14, 2015

Sky over Newfoundland During Ancestor Liberation & Blessing Weekend

These are two additional photos taken above Newfoundland, Pennsylvania on the day of the Ancestor Liberation and Blessing Ceremony held by the second King of CIG, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

We are "Brides of Christ" and "sons of God."

We now proclaim Father that we are all "Brides of Christ." Our husband's the "sons of God." You have cut off the satanic blood lineage from this earth. Your words will forever more be our guideline and the world. This is a call for all our sisters to make a proclamation via video. We will present that as our gift to Father, the Christ, Lord of the Second advent and King of Kings. Will you d this? Share a video proclaiming you are the "Bride of Christ?

My Love Grows

My love just grows deeper to this two historical figures. Please brothers and sisters help us pray for God to continue to bless them. When they speak about Father, they do so with such great love that tears flows from our eyes. Their love for Father is the guidance force behind their work.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Quotes from Father on True Father's Heir and Successor

Quotes from Father on True Father's Heir and Successor
"No matter how young or youthful the heir is, he is the one who will supervise and control. Likewise, when the inheritance is passed on, it does not matter who is better or worse. When Father hands down this authority in the future, even if that heir is crippled, people must receive the Blessing from that person. That time will come."
Blessing and Ideal Family I Chapter 4: The process of the Blessing under the selection of the spouse and who determines the spouse
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“There will always be a physical representative of the
True Father here on earth, from one generation to another;
there will be that axis on which the earth will turn. Therefore,
all of you here on earth and all the people in the generations
to come will be centered upon the same axis.”
June 5,1983
Parents, Children and the World Centered Upon Oneself
God's Will and the World (1985) p. 649
Tarrytown, New York
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"After that registration is done, True Father will appoint his successor. That successor must be known to all the Unification Church, all the blessed couples and the True Parents' family. They must all unanimously accept him. Once that successor is determined, the law or constitution of the Heavenly Kingdom shall be laid down to guide all activities. The law will guide heavenly citizens here on earth and into the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven."
June 5,1983
Parents, Children and the World Centered Upon Oneself
God's Will and the World, (1985) p. 651
Tarrytown, New York
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"Father, people were unaware of the fact that when midnight comes after the passing of early evening, the shining hope of tomorrow that is the True Parent, the True Teacher, and the True King, the representative of the kingship of hope, and the authority of the heir to that kingship, is here."
“At this time of transition today, this occasion is one where they can inherit the authority as the representatives and heirs who can attend to everything on behalf of True Parents.”
April 28, 2008
Hyung Jin Nim's "Inauguration" Ceremony
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“In the context of the Coronation Ceremony for the Establishment of the
Sabbath Realm of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity, (I report to Hananim that) I transfer and pass on the Blessing of the True Parents
(to this couple). Aju.”
January 15, 2009 in Korea
January 31, 2009 in both Korea and U.S.
Ceremony for “The Great Coronation of the Authority of Liberation of God, the King of Kings”
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“God is the one King of Kings. There is only one set of True Parents. All families are the people who share a single lineage, and are the children of one heavenly kingdom. Moreover, the command center of cosmic peace and unity is the absolute and unique command center. Its representative and heir is Hyung Jin Moon. Anybody else [who claims such a position] would be a heretic and one who brings things to destruction. The above content is True Parents’ proclamation.”
June 5, 2010
Declaration and Will
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"The representative and inheritor is Hyung Jin Moon, anybody else is a heretic and destroyer." "You just follow everything. It contains everything."
June 5, 2010
Spoken in Korean when explaining the “Declaration and Will” to Han Hak Ja
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(FB post by Lourdes Swarts)